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Wet Cube Impregnation

WET CUB IMPREGNATE is an aqueous solution based on an innovative technology
fluoropolymers, silanes and silkosane technologies. Thanks to its formula without
organic solvents, is safe for both the user and
as well as for the environment.
It guarantees a durable and transparent protective barrier, ensuring water resistance
and oil resistance, which effectively protects surfaces against absorption
water, grease and dirt. Additionally, the impregnation provides
protection against stains caused by oils, coffee, juices, wine, etc. Its properties
water vapor permeability allows the substrate to “breathe”, which
makes it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications
outside buildings. The most important feature of this product is that it enhances
surface color, does not turn yellow and does not create a coating. Plus, the effect
wet cubes can also mask minor surface imperfections,
giving them a uniform and aesthetic appearance. This is particularly advantageous
in the case of old or faded paving stones, which thanks to this
they regain their original shine and color.



For protection of various building materials including:

• natural stones
• paving stones
• terracotta
• concrete
• bricks etc.


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